Prioritizing Wildlife-Highway Mitigation in Colorado

ECO-resolutions co-led the Western Slope Wildlife Prioritization Study (WSWPS) with Jacobs Engineering. The WSWPS was a joint project for the Colorado Department of Transportation and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) to identify wildlife-highway conflict areas across the western portions of the state. The study team identified, mapped and prioritized highway segments based on the risk of WVC and the need for mule deer and elk to make cross-highway movements, particularly during migration or within winter range. Field reviews were conducted of the top 5-percent priority segments to identify opportunities for wildlife crossings and other mitigation strategies within the highest priority segments. Preliminary mitigation recommendations for the top 5-percent segments in each region were developed based on the findings of the field surveys and the latest research on the effectiveness of different mitigation strategies for different species.

In addition to identifying priority areas for mitigation, this research resulted in the development of a decision support framework for integrating wildlife mitigation into transportation projects, including a comprehensive benefit-cost tool for wildlife mitigation project planning. The outcomes of this study are now driving mitigation project planning and budgeting for new wildlife-highway mitigation efforts across the Western Slope. The study is currently being expanded to Colorado’s Eastern Slope and Plains, ultimately equipping Colorado with a statewide prioritization.

See The Full Report